Whole-body counter. The detector chosen for field use by Brookhaven personnel
was a 28 cm diameter, 10 cm thick, sodium ifodide thallium activated
scintillation crystal NaI(Tl). It is optically coupled to three low
background magnetically shielded photomltiplier tubes connected in parallel

through a summing box with the combined output routed to an amplifier and then
to a microprocessor-based computer and pulse height analyzer (PHA). The PHA
data is stored on a magnetic discette, and results are analyzed in the field
and at BNL using a matrix reduction, minimization of the sum of squares


The gamma emitting nuclides observed have been 657n, 137 G6 60G5 and

Additionally, naturally occurring
K is present in normal amounts.
typical counting time is 15 minutes and a typical minimum detection limit is

100 Bq (3 nCi).

The whole-body counting system is currently standarized

against a human like phantom.

Select target paragraph3