External absorbed dose adjusted for living pattern.

The Marshallese reported

no significant deviation from routine living patterns (see interview's

recorded by Sharp Sh57).

Miltenberger (Gr77),

In a previous document by Greenhouse and

it was shown by them that external exposure

inhomogeneties due to various living patterns (such as fishing in the lagoon,
standing on the beach, etc.) could be accounted for by miltiplying the mean
exposure rate for the island by a factor to obtain whole-body absorbed dose
rate. Another mltiplicative factor used by us was a correction for the
electron density difference between air and tissue. Another factor used by


was one which accounted for attenuation and build-up of the photon flux as

it traversed the body. The energy spectra assumed by us was that given by
Borg (Bo56) for BRAVO fallout at four days. The total multiplicative factor

used by us,

to convert the average island exposure during the acute phase to

whole-body absorbed dose, was 0.7.



Select target paragraph3