/ ; aan” / “his document consists of _—~. aes Af and vf FOR THE . of £ernioes. Contract .Ai-7405-eng-26 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS CORPORATION figures * Sartec sn78n ae CENT AL FILES Noalcin ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION 49.8. POST OFFICE BOX P 2235 OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE august 24, 1949 400464 we, Shieiss .arren, Sirector vivision of Siology and Viedicine atcmie onergy Commission asnington 25, D. Ce vesr Dr, .arrens wr, Leroy visited us “ast week and we were able to make definite >lans for the 1951 Test. wr. Le.oy referred time and azzin to the exnérience obtained and to tne experimen otal setup curing "Cner=-ticnsandstone", Rot | Nie never received any reportontois and 1 understand none are :vailable in our central office. * .uculd it be possible for me to see these reports so that I can cet more ocacksr:und in sianning intelligently for the 1951 “est? A , sincerely yours, aLexencer ntollaender. altmM ce: Paul 3, Pearson, aiC, Vesningtcn (cy 2) A. is Holiand (cy 3) C. ue Nuexer (cy 4) 4. Jollaender (cy 5) \ { DEPAATMIENT OF EA; ERGY CECLASS FICATION Revie CETERA ION “SIRCLE HUMBER, S)} VIEW AUTRORZEG BY: | FINGLEsPe ii R|tone Wvtwera (ADCS: , ¥ . 5004848 \) { » i?NARTE: | SATE: J s/f af Je ‘ C Ail Cau |Tt eine CATER CAT 3 ON it“2 TONG ° 36. Poetane STO {6 COT Date 16ree _ ~ eae TAT Ot C ED ~ re A TEASFIED NEC - a Lr