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TG 132.1 Administrative Plan uipio b

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Supply & Property - Annex C


Memorandum Receipt Property
Task Group 132.1 will appoint a Property Officer who will be ..... .-.3.
responsible for drawing certain property from Task Groups 132.2,
132.3, and 132.4 on M/R and reissuing it to other responsible
Property Officers of Projects, and task units within the Task
Group. -Memorandum receipt property records will be maintained
in separate jacket files for eacn account.

Property officers

will be required to clear up their memorandum receipt accounts
before they will be given clearance from the Atoll.

Property Officers.

Each Project, group or task unit (where applicable) of TG 132.1

will appoint a Responsible Property Officer wio will receipt for and
be responsible for each of the above mentioned units property. The
supervisor of each of the above mentioned projects, groups or task
units will submit the name of a Property Officer or Supply Man to CTG
132.1 prior to August 25, 1952 in order tnan an order can be published
appointing them as Property Officers.

Responsible Property Officers

of Military Projects will be bonded in accordance witn regulations
pertaining to that particular military agency.
Audit of Property Books

The J-4 of TG 132.1 will be responsible for the audit of tne Project

or Group property books and will maintain supervisory control over
their preparation and ultimate disposition.

‘ Reports by Supply Officers of DOD Projects.


Reference Enclosure 1, Subject:

with DOD-R&D Funds".

"Report of Property Purchased

Project supply officers will submit initial

report to g-k, TG 132.1 as of August 31, 1952.

This initial

report is to include individual items of equipment purchased
with DOD-R&D Funds since the inception of the project to include
the report date. As new purchases are made subsequent to the
initial report, they should be reported at the end of each month.
Negative reports will be submitted where applicable.


Reference Enclosure 2, Subject, "Report of DOD Departmental

Project supply officers will submit attached report

to J-4, TG 132.1 at the end of each month.

be submitted as of August 31, 1952.
submitted where applicable.






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Initial report to

Negative reports will be


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