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ogecst oatebcLated,

The reference to olitenkor .rouetion ms been ch ages in

wecerdance elt. the riuws of tre etrecter of crncustian ind of aeneral
i ONOlS, oN oom RB palates ty. uxSletsenapy of orudustion one ant yuantity.

Luo Comilasion cannot seco, t toe tug sition te welete tov ge tcent tot
ovodwetion of Ligel.seble ntericila da ni an ald tla bighy

foe & ~ The Comission vas ooh crea thot toe outline of toe
Tesotar progrwa, idttin,

ins four reoetory currantly plonasd, gives a

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crevicus netatiory ,ublie tian of

sa to the vein ty es of roeetore to be bulit, the Comcisvion

fecla dvewrity of toe sore basie iii Valuable infaration bs served by

rublisnt.on of mufflelent toferwtian to rarait inteiiiaant cublie aise

Tt seclo be onsxlusaly Lacsactioe lL sm .rutebly oaju det

to necurity to ethan f i. torpy mito wehr ,roorea «itbout midng ernilble ty toe ,bolde pense) née 28 to the untore of tue rocctar ee opuent
effort or witauut ce:inarting tha araes af ubiisasble Latomuotico.

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trttens, sour rel wence

to *yessible o:nts of sacenuas® £2 at Glesr, sub dt ep arewlay Liodetes
tha pare,feom ugugr th: cubheswu, “Testin, curin; coutin ous opure tion. *
Tids opeptwob, Walco conti lat ta refvrenca to fend, Go Len you

wojeched, ha brea RabrRablinily rsviood to reavve tun referuics to acy

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