ma ,

fracrnernnace GAT CHL NATIO

Mr, Fillien h. Sebster


No. 9 = As your letter states, "detailed" discusaion of radioactive

weates are “prinrily" of interest to .tomle encrgy workers, but the
ceueral public and porticul.rly .oople Living noar AX instellations,

ero ,uite properly Interosted in cad perhaps concerned ubout tho measures

tecen by the Comuisnioa to assure sefe imadling of waste materiale ond

Lo urevont their relesse in uy ,uentitées which wight be even reately


The Comuigsion fools

thot the dapertence of information as to

tue tendency of corte.n Living organisus to concentrute radioctivity

wees Lt necassery to luciude the references to this etter.

The plutonium refexances in your item 9 herve been doleted from the

report, as has the refzrencs to the ,roposed ao vecial resort on radio-

active wastes.

(See Galleys 72 and 23)

Ko. 10 = In view of tiie Laportence to the public of informe: tion ca te
orogresgn toward sore effective control of radio: ctive hazerds, the Com-

mission velisves tact the roforences to im-roved mathods of waste

handling should reasin iu tre revert.

In ad ition to these ton ltems, vo have baen advised through Comsander

agers of the “LO stuff tbct Generel Nichols objects ta the public.tion
in the Sixth esort of tac aateriel on diroshima and Nepsaaki which wes

oradtented before tus Joint Comittee on Atomic Lnorey in mublic icarings
by Ey. Stielids Varren, Liractur of toe hivegion of Blolory roe Necicina,


Te cre ocvised tixt tre objection is not basen an the content of

the stetanont oy Lo. tarres, oul won the remise thet such aterdiel

suoula uot be Lucluwea on tno resort buceuge of the stetus of tua jre,Oned Keevons Mfficeta ik mn book.

Ye do not feol tit any unclessified aad puvlisheble informetion in
tile fleld ohould walt upon cublication of the ilandbook. Tt La noted
that the materiel assemblcou by Or. “arren is lorgely a digest of informne
tion previously published in WoSso xeports, in ail Heports of the bumbing
of Hirosiden aac Negasaki, in tue booklet, "Fhat You Should Know About
tho Atomle Bomb," .ullisued lagt year by tne Surgeon General] of the Arny,
and in medical end sclontific journols. In view of the need for such
infomiution, s8 expressed, cuom: other pluces, in tus iiepley Report, we
“0 Not believe tho suggested uelotion reloyod by Comender vocera should

be nede.

he understand thet the 80 ha uy security cljection to the Jasucnee of

the Sixth Resart to Conrress snd nove accor ingly -.uo arrangements for
the orintlog of the ia, ort.

singerely yours,

Lovid o. Sblicntosl
Law dreen


SS Gt Com4ISSion

Select target paragraph3