It { 410079 a %s Ballelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories P.O. Box 999 Richland, Washington U.S.A. 99352 Telephone (509) Telex 15-2874 April 15, 1983 Mr. William L. Templeton Pacific Northwest Laboratory PO Box 999 Richland, WA LX 99352 Dear Wirttran: Enclosed is a copy of the transcript of the meeting Bil] Robison, Tommy McCraw, Roger Ray and I had with the Marshallese government officials at Majuro in December 1982. You might like to read this for a few laughs. However, I assure you we weren't laughing when we were struggling to answer ‘some of the questions the Marshallese asked us. With best regards, ‘; lig ¥ od Wa le aW. J. Bair, Ph.D. Manager Environment, Health and Safety Research Program WOB: 1m Enelosure of (