KF FO FF Territory of the Pacific Islands, the President of the Marshall Islands, the Secretary of the Department of Energy, the Sec- retary of Defense; and, in consultation with the National Academy of Sciences, shall establish a scientific advisory = DO | “(3) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior such sums as maybe necessary to plan, implement, and operate the program authorized and directed to be provided bythis section. BND “(c) The Secretary shall report to the appropriate com- NW ND mittees of the Congress, and to the people of the atolls of BO BD Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik, annually, or more ND frequently if necessary, on the activities of the program pro- DS ND NN er thereof out of the sums appropriated bythis section. wO costs of all such assistance shall be reimbursed to the provid- © hecessary to carry out the functions of this program; the CF BR . oH improvement as they deem advisable. logistical support, or other assistance as the Secreiary deems vided by this section. Each such report shall include a de- Fe o . ae ose ee fe Bs up. . " 7a EN 3, « phy 4 a vy ey "ae Lhe . * such program and make such recommendations regarding its agency shall provide such information, personnel, facilities, - Fe. m4ae Lae Fog a digs, a & committee which shall review and evaluate the conduct of “(2) At the request of the Secretary, any Federal oOo roe om DD meet OO o on and coordinate with the High Commissioner of the Trust oO program provided by this section, the Secretary shall consult DP “(b)(1) In the development and implementation of the WH 4 ree aS ce : € . he te zB ee * “ ie