radiation field.

Therefore, its

stakes at a height of 1 m above the

response is often used as a


reference to which other measure-

chosen to obtain exposures over the

ments may be compared.

full range of gamma exposure rates

The chamber

The locations were carefully

walls are sufficiently thick to

observed by the portable instrument

render the detector insensitive


to the beta radiation present in


fallout fields.

and handcarried

The instrument is,

however, sensitive to cosmic

After the 3-month exposure
the dosimeters were retrieved
(by air)

in a lead

container to Livermore for readout.


We studied calibration and signal

Further gamma exposure rate

fading by exposing separate sets of


comparisons were made by means of

TLD's to a

LiF and CaF: Dy thermoluminescent

and after the exposure period.

dosimeters (TLD's) placed at 80

special low-scatter calibration


fixture was constructed for field use

The LiF chip displays

Cs point source before

an essentially flat energy response

which aided in obtaining uniform,

and excellent thermal stability.

reproducible exposures.

The response of LiF is within

of the 13765 calibration source was

approximately 1% of being air

determined by

equivalent for a typical environmental radiation field.


The CaF,:

Dy TLD's have an enhanced energy

The intensity

Using a NBS calibrated Radocon*


Comparing the response of a set

response at low energies, and

of TLD's exposed to a NBS-

were used to detect possible low-

calibrated 600, source to that

energy radiation fields by comparison

obtained from the calibration

with the LiF readings.



The LiF and

chips were matched to 5% and

4% respectively within each batch.

The TLD's were annealed on the atoll

The calibration is known within + 3%

at one standard deviation.

We stored a set of control TLD's

immediately before being placed on

in a lead pig on a "clean" island

the two islands.

in the Marshalls during the

Two Lawrence

Livermore Laboratory (LLL) plastic
personnel badges containing three
LiF and three CaF,


chips were placed

at each field location.


packets were attached to trees by
nylon straps or placed on wooden

*Reference to a company or product
name does not imply approval or

recommendation of the product by
the University of California or the

U.S. Energy Research & Development

Administration to the exclusion of
others that may be suitable.

Select target paragraph3