To evaluate the potential

These data, in conjunction with

radiation doses that may be received

population statistics and expected

by the returning Bikinians, we sur-

life styles, allowed us to estimate

veyed the residual radioactivity on

the potential external gamma-ray

Bikini and Eneu [Islands in June of

doses associated with proposed housing


locations along the lagoon read and

An integral part of the survey

included measurements of gamma-ray

within the interior portions of

exposure rates which are used to

Bikini Island as well as along the

estimate external gamma-ray doses.

lagoon side of Eneu Island.

The survey showed that on Bikini

expected, living on Eneu Island

Island the rates are highly yariable:

results in the lowest doses:

values near the shores are generally

rem during the first year and 2.9 rem

of the order of 10 to 20 uR/h, while

during 30 years.

those within the interior average

values, 0.28 rem during the first

about 40 uUR/h with a range of roughly

year and 5.9 rem over 30 years,

30 to 100 uR/h.

may potentially be received by

Eneu Island, how-



The highest

ever, is characterized by more or

inhabitants living within the

less uniformly distributed gamma

interior of Bikini Island.

radiation levels of less than 10 UR/h

options under consideration pro-

over the entire island.

duce intermediate values.


Bikini Atoll was one of the

coral reef surrounding a lagoon

U.S. nuclear weapons testing sites

with major and minor axes having

in the Pacific.

dimensions of 35 and 27 km, respec-

It is situated

in the northern part of Micronesia

tively (Fig.


The total land

in the Central Pacific Ocean

area is about 6 km’, and the land

about 3600 km southwest of Honolulu.

height generally averages 3 to 5m

The atoll consists of a number

above mean sea level.

of small islands on an elliptical

vary in size from small sandbars of

The islands

Select target paragraph3