

that they weren't able to move.
The next morning, March 2, 1954, the magistrate and others assessed the damage
and saw that the people were sick as a result of (eating and drinking) contaminated
food and water.

The color of the drinking water was somewhat like blackened (dark,

dirty) yellow, and its taste was more bitter than the (leaf of the) "kabwijlon" plant,
Consequently these leaders told the people not to eat or drink anything, but it was

too late (by then) since 24 hours had passed since the damage bad occured.
| At three o'clock the afternoon of that day, a seaplane took off from Fnewetak.
Only two people came ashore.

The people asked what their job was.

that they came to see how strong the effect of the bomb was.
they were on the land only 20 minutes.

They answered

They also said that

Actually it was less than 10 minutes.

proceeded- to place their poison detector in a well, and quickly left.

word of warning(given) to the people.


There was rz


Farly the next morning, March 3, 1954, a war ship came and took them to Kwajalein.
After leaving Rongelap they first went and picked up 15 people who were at Ailingnae,
and then came on to Kwajalein.

(appear)on) the people.

On that day other kinds of sickness began to affect

Something that looked like blisters from a burn (fire) appeared

on their bodies; blood coagulated in their fingernails and toenails, and their hair
began to fall out.
When they arrived at Kwajalein island, March 4, 1954, they were given no medicine
or treatment (aid, relief) other than they were told to bathe in the lagoon three
times daily.



On March 6, 1954, the AEC doctors arrived and joined them at Kwajalein.
remained with them for a month and some days.


During this time there was no medicine

(given to them), and the only treatment (given) was this:

taking their blood and


pouring it out.

From 1954 to 1965 they didn't find (see, receive) any medicine for this sickness. In 1966 they finally found (saw) a medicine which would help (be appropriate for)
this sickness.

This medicine is called synthroid.

ditions, characteristics).

This médicine has two ways (con-

If they do not drink it they will die.

If they miss a

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