(Reprinted from Nature, Vol, 230, No. 5294, pp. 450-451,
April 16, 1971)

Silver-108m in Biota and Sediments

at Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls

THE occurrence! of the long lived silver radionuclide 1°°™Ag

(T,;2> 100 yr) in biota from the Pacific Ocean has been held
to suggest that the silver radionuclide ratio 11°™Ag/?°%™Ag
may be useful as a tracer of environmental processes. It also
appears! that large amounts of 1'°™Ag and !°8™Ag were not
produced during the 1958 test series or earlier, and that the
production activity ratio !!°™Ag/?°5™Ag was 162, a ratio derived
solely from the thermal neutron activation of stable silver.
We consider that their observations require reconsideration,
We have found /°8™Ag in biota and sediments collected at
previous nuclear testing sites in the Pacific. Wefirst detected
the radionuclide in a composite sample of the hepatopancreases
of spiny lobsters collected at Bikimi Atoll in 1969, and have
since measured its concentration in several samples from
Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls. Gamma-ray spectra were made
using both Nal(Tl) and a solid state Ge(Li) detector system.
The resolution of the Ge(Li) detection system permitted precise

ce me i nt

identification of the radionuclide photopeaks and the Nai(T])

crystal systems were used to quantitatively measure the }°8™Ag,
Morespecific information was obtained by chemically isolating
the '°8™Ag using a solvent extraction technique? by means of
which the silver radionuclides are effectively separated from a
number of other radio elements, especially 17°Sb, 2°’Bi, °°Co,

192Ry and 230,232Th

Comparison (Table 1) of the
the hepatopancreas of spiny
with biota reported in ref.
specimens contain 2 to 3 times

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the concentration



concentrations of '°8™Ag in
lobsters taken from Bikini
1 shows that the Bikini
more '°8™Ag, By contrast,

in the composite


from Eniwetok is less than that in the Guadalupe lobster
specimen. The last test series at Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls
occurred in 1958, so that the time between the cessation of
tests and the colfection of the specimens ranges from 6 to 12 yr.
It is reasonable to conclude that higher concentrations of both
108mAg and '!9™Ag were present at earlier times. Indeed,
Seymour* has reported a '!°™Ae concentration of approximately 100 d.p.m./g of wet tissue for the hepatopancreas of a
spiny lobster collected at Guam in November 1959, and although
108™Ag was not determined in the sample, it is significant that
this activity was observed in biota collected 1,200 miles downstream of the test site as early as 1959.

Select target paragraph3