


help split Coummnist China from the USSR and eugeested that Japan could
assist by trading with the Chinese tius lessening Chinese dependence

on the Soviets.

(US Embassy Karachi 2461, 18 May, Unclassified)

6. South Vietnam ~ Expansionof Information Outlets
The South Vietnamese dovernment has received encouragesont in ite


approach to Burma and India on the question of establishingofficial
spokesmen in Rangoon and New Delhi, according to a well~infomed
Vietnamese official. CIA comments that the Diem Government has elaborate
Plens to expand its information outlets abroad, and is especially anxious
to receive "toe“propes in Southeast Asia where the VietMinh has had a ~
monopoly inn the propaganda field. fiiisisigissistiiirrssin:

7. Indonesia = UH Bubargo' AgainstChina


An Indonesian Foreign office’‘spokesman said on 6 ‘May that Indonesia

plans to campaign actively against the embargo of Communist China, IS.

kebassy DjakartaFeports. '- Exbaasy Djakarta 2910, 20 Mays Confidential)
Eber 7°

' Be Japan - Nuclear Test SurveyShip.
‘The Japenese‘Voreign offices ‘has‘afficially informed the US Enbessy

that a survey ship will depart Tokyo on 26 May to investigate biological,

atmospheric, meteorological and oceanographic conditions in the vicinity

. Of the nuclear test area, The US Kebassy recommends al} possible coopera-

tion with the ship,

(US Exbassy Tokyo 2732, 22 May, Limited Official Use)

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