REPOSITORY Doe/_tA60 DOE F480sue a } A082 [AV wed ald COLLECTION DIRECTOR i? Admin, Auigion a PROJECT ENGINEER |Fi ADMIN pee s0xNe°. EAEWETAK PoiseFF rorpen GENERAL CORRESPONDEWAL OFF, PROGRAM RATIVE LIAISON OFF. FY 1978 A li ae HE FEB 17 i978 Principal Staff PAT Jan EA/SITE MGT. REP, OTHER REMARKS:__ rt DESTRUCTION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORTS AND HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE WEAPONS TESTING PROGRAM (1946 - PRESENT) Reference is made to the memorandum from Grover Lewis, Director, EDP & Administrative Services Division to Principal Staff dated February 6, 1978, re secret document accountability. You were requested by this memo, among other things, to forward secret documents that are no longer of value to Mail and Records for destruction. In view of the continuing inquiries over the past years, the recent congresSional hearings, and in anticipation of future inquiries and hearings, scientific and technical reports and historical-type documents relating to the weapons testing program (1946 - present) have become extremely valuable to NV in searching for and preparing documentation for these types of hearings as wel] as responding to requests from Headquarters and individuals. The types of reports (classified and unclassified) of interest from a historical standpoint include such items as test series completion reports, test director's final reports, event reports, radiological safety reports, SOP's relating to operations, safety and radiological aspects. We realize that certain offices in NV may have classified or unclassified reports in their possession that may be considered historical documents or contain the type of information needed. Therefore, it is requested that prior to transferring Secret documents to Mail and Records for destruction, or destroying Confidential or unclassified reports associated with the weapons testing program, that you please transfer these reports to the NV Technical Library where they will be screened. The library has had considerable experience in screening reports as they have been heavily involved in searching and retrieving documents in response to requests and assisting in providing documentary material for congressional hearings. We would appreciate your cooperation in assuring that all classified and unclassified reports or documents relating to the weapons testing program (1946 - present) are not destroyed until the NV Technical Library or the Technical Information Branch has had an opporunity to review them. David G. Jackson, Director Office of Public Affairs~ _ To Pry | SEND Copy To, H&Nn JA/SITE MGT. REP. LasVegas, NV 89114 INIT