-9Dec. 18, 1961, and all necessary equipment is either at Johnston Island or waiting
dockside at Honoluiu for barge shipment to Johnston.''

Reeves goes on to note

that selecting a different contractor for the overall role that H&N will play at
this time would have delayed the contract selection by 30 to 60 days minimum and,
after the selection had been made, the operation would have been delayed an

additional 60 days minimum "as a result of confusing between divided engineering,
procurement and construction responsibilities."
Reeves does note that there are certain possibilities for sub-contracting which
might be available to such companies as Zachry such as a project of approximately

$150,000 - $200,000 to reactivate and modify facilities at Ford Island.

The last items of interest in this folder are in late 62 on meetings as to

what the future of Pacific facilities is following the end of Dominic.


other things, the Air Force is planning to use the Thor facilities as early as
Aug. 63, with occupancy beginning in about May of 63 and the Army Missile Command

is even interested in possible launches of Thors toward Kwajalein from Johnston.

Select target paragraph3