~4made to keep any unnecessary additional projects off the island.

In a folder entitled "Kauai," the first message is dated 26 Dec. 61 and
requests DASA assist the AEC in acquiring real estate on Kauai adjacent to
Bonham with space for about 22 rocket launchers for Nike Apaches for the Sandia

Sandia will have complete technical and operational control of this

real estate and these facilities.
and the AEC in late Mar.

Once again,

The use agreement was signed between PACAF


these 2 boxes contain a wealth of details and photographs of the

various Pacific Islands.

Box 289
Here are the minutes from the NTS Planning Board Meetings beginning with
the 13 Sept. 61 meeting, on which I have taken notes elsewhere.

Here is a TWX

covering the 27-28 Sept. meeting from Reeves to the NTS contractors which notes
certain guidance to be used by the contractors in preparing costs estimates.
The Dolomite event is to be shifted to the mid-term program.

The I, J, and K

. NGen a ae

tunnels in Area 12 are to be prepared forjyields
and readiness dates of Dec.

15 for K, Jan. 15, 62 for J, and Mar.


for I.

Here is a 21 Sept. 61 memo from Reeves to Ogle, Nielson, and various AEC

personnel on "Cost Estimates ~- Weapons Program, NTS.'"

The guidance and specific

details to be planned for the overall weapons testing program, divided into the
Nougat program and the mid-range program are of some interest and there are a
number of shot locations, yields, readiness dates, for each program which probably

Select target paragraph3