- 28 Box 530
The only thing of interest within this box is a large and very important

bound volume entitled "History of Joint Task Group 8.6 (Operation Dominic,
Johnston Island, 1962.)

Although never spelled out it is clear that this

document was written after the first attempt at Blue Gill and before the first
attempt at Starfish,

somewhere around the 10th of June 62.

The historian who

apparently put it together was also one of the chaplains, Capt. James R. Hayes
of the Army.

It is a most important document containing all sorts of specific

details on the build up of all aspects of J.1.

involved, organizations, etc.

including the specific people

Equally important is the fact that there are

probably at least 100 good black and white photographs documenting all this

contained in the document and so I will extract this document from the box for
the time being to refer to in writing our history.

Boxex 407-1, 408-1, and 409-1

These boxes contain so called staff papers with AEC numbers on them and
there are several of them of tremendous interest to us such as paper No. 226/141

which contains "Proposals Related to Possibility of Nuclear Moratorium,' ' and is
dated 20 May 58.

It is imperative some attention be given to these staff papers

whether it is from their files here or the ones in Washington.

Select target paragraph3