NVOO Mail and Records


(22.7, Convgdcottecrion Hi20-7

Additional Overview of NVOO Files.





Box 233

Here, in a folder entitled "1962 Pacific Tests,'"' are some details of the
roll-up of the various Pacific Islands used in Dominic and generally covering
the time frame from Oct.

thru Dec. of 62.

Mentioned among others is the arrangements

made with American Samoa and the Governor, Rex Lee, and the Attorney General there,
Owen S. Aspinall.

The Sandia Corporation correspondence shows that just after the completion
of Dominic, in Dec. of 62, Sandia was only not leaving the Kauai facilities
which they had used but was requesting and planning further construction for
activities beginning in March of 1963 in the way of rocket firings.

Here is the agreement signed by Salet and the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Administration and Logistics for Headquarters PACAF on 17 Jan. 62 which
established a permit for JIF-8 to assume operational control and responsibility
for Johnston Island including all PACAF resources there during the 1962 JTF-8
tests in the Pacific.

PACAF agreed to hold their own activities to an

essential minimum during the period of the agreement.

Note that Joe Saunders,

ALO Deputy for Pacific Operations, also signed this agreement.

Here, in a folder entitled "Maui," is a 24 Jan. 62 letter from Spain of
H&N which indicates that the present plans for the Silver Sword Inn were
that it
be demolished and the Parks Service and GSA were in the process of getting bids.

The Dept. of Interior has been informed that JTF-8 wishes to use this lodge and

so the details are being worked out.

After a couple weeks of haggling over the

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