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h. Bio/environmental sample collection as required and transmission
to the laboratory for analysis.

Clean-up support radiological surveys.

Radiation Limits.

a. References a and b, which give the acceptable limits for radiation
exposure to workers, will apply during the operation. The basic is 5 rem per
year, or 1-1/4 rem per quarter. No one worker will receive more than this
amount. This shall not apply to Bikini people. Bikini native workers will be
considered as individuals in the general population, having an exposure limit
of 0.5 rem per year.
b. Plutonium alpha acceptable contimination limits are specified in
reference c.
c. Limits for internal exposures and concentrations of specific isotopes
will be governed by reference d.
d. The On-Site Commander (CUTG 8.8) will take positive action to insure
that no worker receives a dosage exceeding the limiting amounts prescribed
by the references.


a. DOD: JTF-8 will manage the clean-up effort, to include radiological
safety support. The DASA Nuclear Emergency Team (DASA NET.) will deploy
one Officer and three Enlisted Men initially to support the Commander, Joint
Task Group 8.8 (CJTG 8.8). This group will be augmented with additional
people as needed.
b. AEC: The AEC will be responsible for determining that the radiological
health and safety requirements for the scrap removal project at Bikini Atoll]
are met at the completion of this project. The AEC will provide an advisor for
health physics and radiation protection matters. The NVOO Safety Advisory
Group will advise CJTG 8.8 during the operation and will make the determi-~
nation at the close.

Safety Procedures.

a. Radiological monitoring and health protection support will be made
available for all clean-up operations.
b. Film badges and pencil type dosimeters will be worn by all personnel
participating in Bikini Clean-Up.
. y


Inclosure (3)


Select target paragraph3