collection and interpretation of data in a scientific manner,

The history of the Atomic Energy Commission nuclear explosion

program since 1945 shows a steadily growing fund of seismic data whose
precision and reliability are incomparably superior to any data collected
prior to that date.

For example, a direct result of applying these

data to earthquake problems has been improvement in the knowledge and
accuracy of seismic travel times from source to observatories throughout the world.

Let me give you an example.

When an earthquake occurs in California, stations throughout the
world record the seismic wave arrivals with an accuracy of about 0.1

Data of this kind from several large nets of seismic obser-

vatories in various parts of the world have been compiled and afford
the basis of improved travel time tables.
of the earth's crust.

These cover major segments

Compilation of the data and their publication

are performed by a number of contributing organizations.

The Inter-

national Seismological Summary is one repository of these data.


U. S&S. Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, the International Central
Seismological Office at Strasbourg, France, are other examples of
international cooperation among seismologists.

During the International

Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, worldwide cooperative programs were conducted.

These data have been published and form a further contribution

to the science of seismology and solution of earth problems.


These data are mainly derived from observations of earthquakes.
Although travel times may be measured to an accuracy of 0.1 seconds,
there is always some uncertainty regarding the location of an earthquake,


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