lsolated atoll of Ujelang for the past 34 years,

are the most

cohesive group, under the current return program to the atoll of

four communities will come into existence.

be new communities on Enewetak Island,

There will

on Medren Island and on

Japtan Island in the southern part of Enewetak Atoll.


between these islands is too great to permit one centralized local
health facility.

For the foreseeable future also,

there will be an

Enewetak community of varying size on Ujelang Atoll, which is 124
Miles southeast of Enewetak,

and this community also must be

provided with medical care.

Timetable for Preparation of Health Plan vy Contractor
August 4,


In conformance with provisions of P.L.
be held in Washington,


a meeting will

D.C., with representatives of the people of

the affected atolls, representatives of the Government of the
Marshall Islands and with representatives of various government

agencies involved in preparation of the overall plan for health care
of the people of the affected atolls.

A proposed "Scope of Work”

be presented to a panel of health care contractors for preparation

of the plan will be discussed at this meeting.
August 5-15
Negotiations by the Department of the Interior and contractor
for preparation of "health care aspects" of overall plan.
August 15

Negotiations by the Department of the Interior and contractor
for preparation of

"health care aspects"

of plan.


Select target paragraph3