After further discussion, the Commissioners

indicated they had no objection to the General Manager's
proposed review of the FY 1959 budget,
ad. Polio Vaccinations for HARDTACK Observers

Mr. Fields reported that ag the result of several

cases of polio in the Marshall Islands, Joint Task Forcee7

will require that all military personnel at HARDTACK be
vaccinated for polio, He said the staff had recommended
that all AEC personnel at HARDTACKalso be vaccinated
and that he planned to proceed with this recommendation.
e, Procedures for Hearings on Patent Policies

Mr. Fields reported that a staff paper on proccdures
for hearings on patent policies would be circulated to the
Commission at an early date. He commented that he had

discussed this matter with Senator Clinton Anderson and
that he proposed to recommend open hearings on the
Commission's patent policies,

During the brief discussion of this matter, Mr. Libby

suggested that in the course of the hearings, consideration
should be given to recognition of important contributions of
individuals in the AEC program which under present policies
are not reimbursable,

f, Claim of Jerome S. Spevack Against the Government
The Commission briefly discussed procedures for

handling patent claims against the Government, Mr. Libby
commented on the Jerome S, Spevack claim which is now
before the Supreme Court and requested that a briefing
on thie matter be arranged for himself and Commissioners
Graham and Floberg.
At this point, Mr, Strauss entered the meeting,



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