Baneveble Clinton 7. Anisreon

The Cosmntesion aad the Papsrteent of Defense have adopted
flexible inforvation wrogran designed te deal with asy Sore~
weseble continganey, This plan provides, an deeued necesaury,
for the announcencnt of detonations, stating the yield wea in

“the kilotos reage* or "the segaton range’; for reporting fall-

oat readings in the Pacific aren end inthe Vaited
States in
with the 0.4. Publia Health Servioss and for taving
auoh additional iaforustional actiesa if interuationel reper=
cuasions become of such sagnitude es to affect the national ta-


The Comaniar, Jaint Task Force Seven, bes tean requested to |
include in bis regular operational reports additional data to

be used in the preparation of acre extended ennacneesanta then
kas seen the practice of oreviens teat seriean in the Pacific,

the Coaudasion and the Departaant of fefeage, In coordination

with the appropriate aguncies iuvelyed Jointly, will determine

the context aad tising of all officiel snnormioesents concerning
Operation ARWIsG.

Sincerely yourt,
AL FL Libby sw

“Buna fasir

Honorable Clinton 7. Anderson
Ghetraan, Joint Casalittes an Atowia Pnergy
Congress of ibe United tates

Select target paragraph3