Short Base Line

Hawaii - All stations in the Kona net received and recorded the
wave form of the electromagnetic pulse emanating fram besb detonation. yin

of position error 6.5 nautionl miles.

Maxims field strength

California - All stations in the Woodland net received and recorded
the wave form of the electromagnetic ;ulse emanating from bonb detonation,
Line of positioning error was § nautical miles.

Long Base Line
Hawaii - Palmyra hed equipment failure but other two stations
operated successfully.

Line of position error 3400 yerda.

Stateside - All etatione in the Harlingen net operated success-

fully and recorded the wave form of the electromagnetic pulse emanating
from bomb detonation.
Griffias AFB equipment operated satisfactorily.
Tre above line of position errors mey be changed considerably by
further evaluation of the data,


- 30<

Select target paragraph3