

Due to malfunction of the k-5 system the B-6t aborted the mission,


B-S7 ip believed to have attained its position vith a good degree of accuracy.
More detail of the aircraft position in space for eack aircraft is contained
in the post-shot reports of the following projects:

Project 5.3 - B66

Project 5.4 = B-57


The preliminary value of total thermal input to the aircraft

4s normally included in the post-shot report of the appropriate project in-

dicated above,

However in this event no thermal deta were obtained because

of the abort of the B-Go end because no recorders vere turned on in the 5-57,
Photographic Data:
ell cameras were run.

file breakage.

Of the 20 osmeres under the purview of Project 5.7
Of the 12 cameras on the 3-64, one camera suffered

Of the six cameras on the B-57, a1) cazeras appeared to have

operated satisfactorily except that all cameras had about 20 feet of fila
remaining on the counters.

This was cccasioned because the cameras are

connected through a time delay with the switch on the cecillograph recorders.
It is extremely wilikely that any pictures of the ptencmens were obtained.

The B-6L, because of the abort, was too far out of position to obtain

The time in relation to sero tise in wich the cameras on the 5-57

vere operated is uncertain.

The two careras in tte Parry proto tover

apparently operated satisfeectorily.

The film of this event has not been

developed at present, therefore the completely nerative results assvmed above
cannot be verified as yet,

File Sumery:
Busber of
magesines loaded

thmber of
magasines run

Wunber of
magasines for anslyais

Wunder of magasiznes
for destruction


- 2.



Select target paragraph3