
Project 5.4 + In-Flight Participation of a B-57B - let Lt £. M. Wells, Jr.

The objective of this teat was to measure the effects of a nuclear
Getonation on an in-fligtt 8-57B aircraft weapon systes.

All oscillograph power switches loceted in the bomb bay vers in the
off position, resulting in complete loss of data, with the exception of
eameras and “tesp tapes".

This error vas a result of extremely atnorm)

and adverse conditions prior to takeoff; in that, sufficient time was rot
available to perform the instrumentation checkout in the norm] manner.
Adequate precautions bave been taken to prevent a similar future cecurrence
under any conditions.

The B-57B vee flying at an absolute altitude of 10,000 fest on e 050°T
beading et sero tine,

Horisontal renge beyond ground sero at sero tise wes

2624 feet (aircraft traveling at 605 ft/sec ground speed).


position at the tie of shock arrivel (H + 12.5 sec) was 11,572 feet beyond
ground sero.

Heading, altitude and speed vere the same as at sero tine.

Sinee the recording equipment did not run, there was so deta fros this
test, with the excepticn of tesperature tapes end cameras.

However, the

mere fact that the aircraft was at its given position in space, relative to

ground sero, at sero tine and time of shock arrival (E ¢ 12.9 sec), and returned with nc damage, provides positive proof of its delivery capabilities.
Based on predicted response, and known position and prelisinary information




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Select target paragraph3