Project 1.10 = Measurement of Blast Parameters Over Vegeteted and Cleared
Areas - C. D. Broyles

To determine the difference in blast effects, in the precursor region,
over a vegetated area and over « cleared sandy surface.

Detailed instrumentation is apparent free Tables 1,1C-1 and 1.10-2.

Gage designations are as follows:

Pirst 3 numerals are station number; Ltb

and 5th digite describe guage, {.¢., G3--ground baffle, P3—pressure-tine at
3 foot height, q3——dynamic pressure at 3} foot height; last letter denctes
Vo-vegetated or C-—cleared area.

dn attempt wes aade to correlate the difference in blast effecte vith
mpeasuremects of preshoeck sound speed, hovever tre instruzentation malfunctioned and no sound speed records vere obtained.

The vegetation

reduced the severity of the ;cecurecr, showing later arrival times end
emaller dynamic preasures than the cleared area.

Over the vegetation the

overpressures vere the sane at the 3 foot level as at ground level wile
the cleared area showed such righer overpressures at the 3 foot level than
at the ground surface,
The data are presented in the acccepanying tables.


Select target paragraph3