L, Argonne Reactor Program -~ BoilingReactors, At this Meeting the
Committee heard a report from its Subcommittee on Reactors covering
a three-day set of detailed and thorough briefings by Dr, Zinn and his
associates at ANL during the preceding week, This study was undertaken.
60 that the Committee could respond to the General Manager's request

for an appraisal of the boiling water reactor development being carried
‘ out as part of the ANL reactor program.

We wish to endorse the general program outlined by Dr, Zinn, includ=
ing the long-range development of the fast breeder reactor. In the
. following, we comment specifically on the boiling reactor programs
Present plans call for testing the existing boiling ‘peactor instal,

lation at Arco under conditions of high operating powerleading to


destructive melting of the fuel elements. Further teets will be carried
out on a new and improved installation this fall, It was also noted .
that a tentative schedule has been established for constructing, at the

Argonne National Laboratory, an experimental boiling reactor (HER) capabis

of delivering five megawatts of electric power. This schedule provides
for construction to begin April 1, 1955, and for the reactor to g0
critical by the end of 1956.

The component tests and studies, outlined

by Dr. Zinn, on fuel element design, corrosion, burn up, the use of

radioactive steam in turbines, and chemical costs are Antegral and

‘essential parts of this program,






The Committee continues to believe that |the voiling »water reactor
development program is one of great promise, We reconmend continued
strong support, with arrangements which will minimize contractual delays. ‘
In our study of this subject we
of maintaining a flow of information
technological interests; and ye_hope
facilitate the exchange of technical
Savannah River.

have been reminded of ‘the importence
between different groups with common
that arrangements can be made to
reports between ANL, Hanford, and

& more detailed report is being prepared by the Subcommittee and

will be available at a later date.


The Meeting was the last meeting of the General advisory Committce

before the terms of office of Dr. Buckley, Pr. von Neumann, anc Dr. Pebi




It was therefore impossible to fix a definite dete for the next

5 aoe
’ a tentative date was set for October 4, 3 9?


In any event the meeting will occur in a period between October 1st
and October llth, Among other matters, the Committee hopes to discuss

weapons effects, and Project Sunshine.



Select target paragraph3