-~5 -


beta burns.

Only 12 cases show residual changes in the skin from

None show any evidence of cancerous change.

7. Possible late effects of radiation such as shortening
of life span, premature aging, increased incidence of leukemia and
malignancies, increased incidence of degenerative diseases, opacities
of the lens of the eyes, and genetic changes have not been observed.


The original body burdens of internally absorbed fission


The return of the people to the slightly contaminated

products appears to be too low to have produced any acute or longterm effects.

islapd of Rongelap has caused some increase in body burdens of Cesium37,
Zine? and Strontium” , However, the levels are far below the accepted

maximm permissible dose and it is not believed any untoward effects
will result.
In view of the limited knowledge of the late effects of
radiation in human beings, it is considered essential that medical

surveys of the Rongelap people continue to be carried out in order

to detect and treat immediately any possible further effects of
radiation that might develop. Though body burdens of radioactive
isotopes are well below the accepted permissible dose levels and no
further significant increase in these burdens is anticipated, a close
check on these levels during future medical surveys is indicated.
Robert A. Conard, M.D.

Head, Marshall Island Medical Surveys


Select target paragraph3