Engineering Development (Marine Sciences Council) and the closely related
Commission on Marine Science, Engineering, and Resources plus their various
subcommittees and panels are busily examining the roles of government
agencies in oceanography.
Their recommendations, due the Winter of 1968,
will probabiy influence the structure of the federal government's program
in oceanography.
In the Spring of 1968 the President called for an International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) beginning in 1970.
A group
of scientists representing five universities has suggested chat an
integrated efforc be devoted to look at certain trace elements (including
radionuclides) in the world’s oceans to determine residence times, mixing
races, and current structure,
Dr. Osterberg is hopeful that the AEC can
Support that pertion of the LDOE program involving radioactive tracers,
Since these tracers rhow considerable promise as research tools in
Program for iZfth ACBM Meeting.
Mr, Deal discussed briefly the program
that he and che staff at NTS and NVOO are planning for the 12/th ACBM

to be held November



UCLA. Mr. Stanwood briefed the members of the Committee on the current
status of problems of the DBM-supported program at the Laboratory of Nuclear
Medicine and Radiation Biology, UCLA.
[In sammary, DBM staff has taken
steps to implement the recommendations ol the ACBM subcommittee’s report
cf February 1968. involving discussions with the Commission, JCAE staff,
In the interim, the existing
and University of California officials.
contract has had several short-term extensions, including the present
one through December 31, 1968,
While most of the operating difficulties
seem to have been resolved and a plan mutually developed for strengthening
this program, the JCAE staff has not yet granted approval for 1ts adoption
and full term extension of the contract.
The single obstacle centers around
the disposition cf the employment case of laboratory staff member
Dr. R. i. Lehman.
The JCAE staff has requested that the AEC evaluate
Dr. Lehman's work and the history of his case. and further stated that
they tntended independently to review the matter by another JCAE staff
visit to UCLA.
ACBM members were advised that DBM proposed to present
the entire matter once again to the Commission to obtain its guidance.
ACBMReplacements. The following names were suggested for consideration
to replace ACBM members whose appointments expire June 30, 1969:


J. V. Neel, William J. Schull, James Crow, Seymour Lederberg,

George Beadle, FE. L. Tatum, Ray Owen, N. Mendelsohn, R. P. Levine, Gunther
Stent, R. Lewontin, Clifford Grobstein, Charles Yanofsky, R. Billingham,
Bruce Wailace, W. K. Baker.


Select target paragraph3