The AEC Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine held its 126th
meeting at AEC Headquarters, Germantown, on September 13, 1968, and at

che "H™ Street Office, September 14, 1968. Committee members present
were Drs. Green (Chairman), Cohen (Vice-Chairman), Bale, Haagen-Smit,

McGee, and Rosemary Elmo (Executive Secretary).
Also present were
Drs. Totter (Director), Storer (Deputy Director) and various members of
the staff of the Division of Biology and Medicine; Dr. Spofford English,
Asst. General Manager for Research & Development, and Dr. Nathaniel Barr
and Mr. Enzi DeRenzis, of the AGMRD staff.
Dr. John Harley, HASL, NYOO,
was also present.
The program on September 13 consisted of a series of briefings.
meeting was opened by Dr. Totter, who introduced new and returning DBM
staff members (Drs. Fluke, Judd, Schulman, Biology Branch; Richmond,
Geldstein, Brooks, Medical Branch; Huebner, Radiation Physics &
Inz:trumentation Branch; Gross, Fallout Studies Branch; Cutshall, Envirormental Sciences Branch.
Dr. Totter informed the group that the natives
have beer returned tro Bikini.
He discussed the budget situation, advising
that BOB may approve a modest increase in appropriation similar to the
one approved in 1969.
Reorganization of DBM Research Program.
Mr. Whitnah discussed a proposed
reclassification of the biology and medicine program, which emphasizes its
objectives and would facilitate its presentation to the BOB and various
committees of Congress.
The three major categories are 1) interaction of
radiation with biological systems; 2) assessment, evaluation and control of
radiation exposure to man and his environment, and 3) beneficial applications of radiation.
New program areas defined in the reclassification
are 1) exposures to external and internal radiation; 2) a separate activity
for atmospheric sciences, and 3) a grouping of all clinical research in
nuclear medicine,
Pending further review of the staff it is expected
that the budget for FY 1971 will be developed along the lines of the new
Visit to Russia with IAEA Panel.
Dr. W. R. Bibb reported on his participation at an TAEA panel on "Current Problems of Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation with Special Emphasis on their Conservation and Culture" held
in Moscow, June 22-26, 1968.
He discussed the relatively wide use cf
human bone marrow transplantation as an acceptable therapeutic tool in the
His impressions, based on the presentations of the Russian scientists,
indicated that considerable doubt still exists regarding the viability of
the frozen bone marrow preparations and its ability to repopulate a stem
cell depleted patient.
He pointed out the dicotomy which exists between the philosophy of the
USSR and USA regarding transplantation.
The USA has shown no hesitancy in
considering organ transplantation as an acceptable procedure whereas the


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