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Memorandum to All voncerned
Subj: Medical and Biological Experiments




May 19, 1949

Page 2

aspects of atomic energy.

Dr. Wright Langham will serve as the Los Alamos

representative on that committee and will act as the J-Division liaison to
Dr. Bowers. When the committee has selected the experiments on the basis

of biological and medical soundness, the list will be submitted to J-Division
for consideration with regard to the feasibility of the experiments in the
over-all Eniwetok operation.

At essentially the same time the list of selected

experiments will be submitted to the Medical Advisory Board for final consideration.
You are urged to get your tentative proposals into Dr. Bowers! hands at the

earliest possible date in view of the fact that we are hoping to have a tentative

list of experiments submitted through the committee by July 1, 1949.

Kile) C Alason.
Alvin C. Graves
J-Division Leader



Select target paragraph3