Z So June 22, 1979 LW have, pngerseancablys‘Tost all trust in U.S" Governnent scientists.. . a? expressed these views on behalf of the feople of Bikini Zaat month in. remarks to the UnitedNations Trusteeship Counciz (see attachment at pages 10-11}, and I requested that an interpmational committee of ‘ecientists, having no connection . with or interest in the U.s. “government or: the U.S. nuclear testing program, independently ‘review, and assess the rosults and conclusions of the northern Marshall Yselands radiological survey, spetificallyias they: apply to'the safety of Bikini ana Enew Islands in Bikini Atoll. Last week; I made tha same request to the U.S. :qovernmert,” ‘suggesting thet the United States fund an independent assessment: of the survey by a com- mittee of international scientists orperhaps fund several indepenmfent assessments by individual hon-United States scientists. . ; Given the. importance of this curvey to the future of the Bikinians, the past mistakes of U.S. :scientists in maasuring and/or assessing.the safety of Bikini, and tha uncerteinties concerning the long-term effect of low levels of radiation, I believe that it is inithe interests of all parties to seek independent assessment of-the survey. Althongh I have not yet received a formal reply from the United Stetesg government, I am hopeful that + wild ‘respond favorably to the Bikinians* ‘request. a “In the‘event that the United states does agree to fund an independent review of the northernMarshall Isiands rediological survey, would .you be: interested in parti in this review? Some of the broad questions the Bikinians seek to have . answered are’ithe following: ee! Was the proper sethodology: used in the northexn Marshalls survey? | , ' oe a Did the survey‘employ the best available technological techniques‘and equipment? vO ne Are the datacollected‘from the survey wocurate and reliable? a , ~~ Are the conclusions, predictions and riex assessments concerning. the future safety of Bikini and Frew Inlands valid? An analysis of this issue would, of courea, niceegitate a review of both the.BUrv y andthe April,:(2978 medical examinations, se ce a tees ot yep : ioe I | ye a pert i ceeSe Ne lowe pe! in ‘ . | ‘ - . 2 ere ee ee ee a +