4AOL7 19


R. A. Conard, M.D.

‘The Honorable Peter Coleman, Acting High Commissioner
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950
Dear Mr. Coleman,

As you know there have been certain complaints about health care by

the people living at Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.
ERDA has sponsored and
strongly supported the tean of physicians carrying out special nedical
examinations on these people over the past 22 years.
It is our belief
that most of the present complaints are based on misunderstandings and
that it should be possible to clarify and resolve the issues toeveryone's
The purpose of this letter is to solicit your advice and
assistance with regard to organizing a meeting with the people to discuss
their complaints.
We understand that Dr. Knudsen has informally discussed
with you and Mr. Oscar DeBrim a proposal for such a meeting, and that your
reaction was



that Mr.

DeBrmm suggested that the meeting

should be held with the people on their islands and that it would be
possible for you to furnish a ship for that purpose.
We suggest that
participants include representatives from BNL, ERDA,


TT’ and certain

Marshallese representatives from the Congress of Micronesia.
We would
like to propose the date of January 6 for a rendezvous at Kwajalein and
allow at least two days at Kwajalein for preliminary discussions before
departing for the outer islands.
We understand that in view of the meeting of the Congress of Micronesia in January it may not be possible for
the Congressman to accompany the group

to Rongelap and Utirik.


it is hoped that they might meet with the group at Kwajalein before departure for the outer islands to discuss the meetings with the people.

Some of the people's complaints center around the fact that some of
the unexposed people feel left out of the examination program conducted
by the medical team.
The Utirik unexposed and some of the Rongelap un-

exposed people have not been included in the regular exeninations since
there has been no likelihood of any detectable radiation effects in them.

All of these people, however, have had the opportunity to be examined
‘and treated both at the time of the annual medical surveys and on the
quarterly visits of the Resident Physician.
It is proposed that the BNL
medical team with the support of the Health Services of the TT institute
a special program to systematically examine and treat all the people
including children, living on these two atolls, who wish to be examined.
The people would then have the assurance that all of them are entitled
to be part of the examination program.
The exposed Rongelep and Utirik
people and the unexposed Rongelap control group, as in the past, would
receive special examinations for radiation effects and this group (which
does not include children of exposed or other unexposed people) would be
entitled to the benefits of Congress of Micronesia's PL 5-52 as outlined

in the agreement between ERDA/DOI/TT.


_ ERDA would continue to be responsible for treatment of radiationrelated diseases that develop in the exposed people.
This includes
specialized examination and treatment when necessary in hospitals outside
the Trust Territory.
All other treatment of individuals living on Rongelap
and Utirik that cannot be accomplished by the examining medical team when
on the island would continue to be the responsibility of the Health Services
of the Trust Territory.



Select target paragraph3