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Mr, Atcacay. Iam a Pesce Corps volunteer who was on Us
Atoll. I have submitted a written statement I wish included in the

testimony. I would just care to say I am honored to be here on behalf
of these people and I ask the committee be as syimpathetic as possible

when considering compensation and continued medical care for these

people in the context of human rights. President Carter, and his ad-

ministration, are very interested in human rights.

It should be pointed out these people's human rights have bee

violated as a byproduct of negligence on the part of this Government.
I think these people are continuing to suffer as a part of this neghince. T had a conversation with one of the doctors yesterday. He gave
the estimate—it is not clear hawlong these people are goiny to suffer.
Senator Merzenuaum. Would vou identify yourself.
Mr. Avcatay. Glenn Alcalay. a former Peace Corps volunteer.
Senator Mrerzexnsaco. Are vou still on the island?
Mr. Avcaray, No; I just returned from the Marshal] Islands,

Senator Merzensaum. We appreciate vour taking the time and trou-

ble in order to be a Peace Corps volunteer, but for the sentiments expressed and I am sure those sentiments are shared by members of this

committee as well as by the udiministration, Unfortunately. money does
not always provide answers to some of the problems. but we will try
to do the best. we can under the circumstances,

[The preparedstatement of Mr. Alcalay follows :]

Rratemwext of Guewsk H. Atcatay, Pesce Corps VOLUNTEER, Tecst Teegeiroay

or THe Pactric IsLanns

I. Glenn H. Alealar, was u Peace Corps voluntee: assigued to the Marshall
Talandas froin the period of March 2. 3075 to May 2. 1677. T served on Utirik Atoll
for two yeary o4 4 cooperative advisor (vis-a-vis the Department of Agriculture
In the Marshalls district), and also ns a TESI (teuching Engi!ni as a second
language) teacher.
In the following pages FE have stuamarized some of the major areas which I
feel to be of Importance fu relation to the Utirik people and their ongolng probJems as @ conxequetice of haviug been ireadiated in the inrident of March 1,

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Peychological effccta of radiation om Utfirikese

(a) The people of Utlrik generally believe that they are Ilving in a atlllradioactive, environment, deaplte the Individual physicians’ and ERDA/Brookharen's claims to the contrary. This luck of trust stems from the doctora telling

the people that ‘everything fs alright now" (n Juxtaposition with an Increased
mumber of radlation-related diseases in recent sears.

(b) There ia a family Uving in Utirlk (qj family) who was not residing on

Utirik Atoll at the tlhuwe of the incident on March 1, 1954. This famliy had been
vlog on adjacent Alluk Atoll, but did however accompany the reat of the returning Utinikese back to their atoll following thelr (hree-month forced evacuation to KawnjJalein Atoll afler the fnctdent.
Since thelr returo to Litirtk fu ISH, three people In this family —gay, SQ,

and Siggiiita—have contracted thyroid tumors that required surgical removal.

After having spent 2 years talking with this family on Utirik Atoll, I aw convinced that this fanuly alncerely belleves thelr maladies to be a direct reault of
Hving on Utirik Atoll. especially since they returned with the Utirikese so soon
after the Incident to an environment that stil! contafsed “poison” (radiation).


Select target paragraph3