Colonel J. lL. Pishback


MAR 15 4970

otherwise would reqeire 12 daye or more can, with an LOG

availsble, be accomplighed in o meximan of 5

significant imprevesent in sefety, comfort and offectivences
and thus in the survey results. We would prepese to preposition all survey and support equipment on the LCU at
Kwajalein and thus svoid any eubstantial cargo hendling
ot Bikiné.

I recognize that your marine sssete are heavily committed
te G's mission activities. I wish te asesare you, however,
that the Bikint survey is an cesential task in support of

national peliey and that our careful exeminetion of all
elternatives makes it clear that it is im the Ghited Stetes
Government's best interest to conduct it in the menner
Gescribed. In order that our plenning and preperations may
proceed in timely fashion, I would appreciate your early end
favorable consideration of this request.

Very truly yours,

Original Signed by

Roger Rey, Assistent MNeneger
fer Operations
W. B. Hills, Dir., PASO, HOMO

W. D. Smith, AM/EAL, NV-HQ
W. R. Cooper, AM/P&B, NV-HG
@ Zz

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