

The objectives of the cleanup are two:
(1) Recovery of the pieces of plutonium that have been
observed on or near the island surface.


Pacovervy of nlutonium contaminated soil.

Recovery of plutonium in soil at concentrations greater than

400 pCi/g 27> 240pu at any depth these levels are found.
Also, recovery of contaminated soil sufficient to reduce

suriac2 levels to a value well veluw 40 pCi/g 239, 240Pu,
After soil removal, all areas should be resurveyed to ensure
no pieces or hot spots of plutonium remain.

Plutonium contaminated soil on IRENE should be handled as on



Pieces of Pu metal are not expected to be found.

Test plantings of food crops may be conducted on each of the

"no crops'' islands as designated by the Enewetak people.


edible parts of these plants become available, concentrations of
significant radionuclides should be measured and compared with

the radiological survey predictions.

These studies will indicate

times at which planting of subsistence and commercial crops
can be safely resumed.


Lens water sampling and analysis should be conducted, samples
to be taken over a period of at least 12 calendar months. Bacterial
content, salinity, and radionuclide content should be measured.
Radioactivity information will contribute to an understanding of
processes operating - or which can be made to operate - to reduce
the ecological half-life of 90Sr and !37Cs below the radioactive

half-life on the northern islands, especially JANET.

A comprehensive air sampling program should be conducted over

a period of 12 consecutive months under conditions closely

approximating human habitation and expected soil disturbance

to provide information on radioactivity levels in air.


program could be conducted coincident with and support cleanup.

Base-line surveys of body burdens and urine content of 13%cs5

and ?9Sr should be made for the Enewetak people prior to
return to Enewetak Atoll, and periodically thereafter. Re-

surveys of the environmental radiation and radioactivity should
be made in the first year of return and repeated, for example,

Rey amen nial



Select target paragraph3