of the trajectory, at approximately 100,000 feet.

The peak altitude attained

by the rocket wes approximately 202,000 feet MSL, and the time to peak
altitude was 140 seconds.

The second stage ignition occurred on schedule.

it is not Known whether the remaining functions occurred properly, as the

radar lost the vehicle at the swamit of the trajectory and did not reacquire

The ASP head vas not recovercd.e

Further tests of the RTV-ASP vehicle, at WSPG and at Foint Mugu, are echeduled

for early April.

Tho White Sands tests will be primarily to determine the

serodynemic characteristics of the vehicle, and to test the programming.
The firing at Point Mugu is primarily a test of the flotation and vater
recovery system.

Field Service

Field service will be supplied as required for operations at PPG.
field service group has left for PPG.


Select target paragraph3