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Viewed in any context, the radiologically safe resettlement of the
Eniwetok Atoll is the ultimate goal of the prepartory cleanup/rehabilitation


Since the repatriation of the Eniwetok natives is imminent,


it is essential that the responsible U. S. government agencies insure

that cleanup operations and resettlement of the atoll are effected in
a manner that poses no unacceptable present oer future radiological hazard

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to the-returning Eniwetokese.

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Moreover,_the safety of the environment

following cleanup and the projected well-being of tthe Eniwetokese people


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should be publicized.

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As a minimum, and mindful of any resettlement

restrictions, the same favorable sanction that was issued by the Ad Hoc
Committee during the rehabilitation of the Bikini Atoll (Reference 1)

should be reiterated by the appropriate authority.
Combining the assessments of the radiological survey and knowledge of
the expected lifestyles of the Eniwetokese, the atoll has been partitioned
into a number of different entities which have within themselves
commonality of geography or radiological environment or both.


are therefore termed "georadiological entities" and are listed in
Attachment 1, which also shows their radiological conditions as determined
by the AEC Radiological Survey.


Select target paragraph3