~ 26+

Cyprus ~- the President hopes this won't come up.
long talks with Secretary,

Has had

More about Quemoy, Would be helpful if the President would
say that he had always thought there was undue concentration of
forces on that island, The President said we get ourselves in
a bit of a box because we might be asked why we did not tell
Chiang what todo, The question arises also is Chiang dictating
our foreign policy or are we?
About Truman the President will say that President Truman has
borne heavy responsibilities in this field -- his conclusions are
based on experience rather than academic,
There is feeling public is developing irritation with continual
international pressures, The answer the President said was
that it is better to talk than fight. Then he began to run down
the list of trouble spots since the first one in Iran. Andy reminded him of a phrase "protracted conflict" that is part of
Communist plan.
The President said: are we people of sufficient character and
courage and confidence in the right to do our duty. Weare
people of character and courage.
Andy suggested that in a moment of such gravity, there was to
be gained taking the advice of others of experience -- meaning
that there was no one in the world with more experience than the
President in such situations.

The President, though, cannot

say that himself.
The President said in passing that what we needed were a few
"friendly" questions from Friendly newspapers.
Cablegram to DeGaulle - President was reminded.



Menzies - letter on lead and zinc.
Mexico and Peru.

Letters also sent to Canada,

Hammerschjold's statement on withdrawal of troops from Lebanon
and British withdrawal from Iraq.
Going back to lead and zinc, Canada sabotaged conference on
matter, which President still thinks was a good idea.


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