04°43'N 160°25'W

Washington Island is a British possession and belongs to the Line

Island District, comprising Fanning, Christmas, and Washington Islands,

with headquarters on Christmas Island. The land is all owned by Fanning
and Washington Island Estates, Burns-Philips Trading Company, who employ
about 80 Gilbertese for copra production and to maintain the 200, 000-palm
tree plantation.
Physical Data Washington Island is about 9 miles in circumference and
averages 10-ft. in elevation. The island is encircled by a fringing reef which
extends for about 1, 000 yards off the eastern point and for some distance off
the northern side. Two tongues of reef extend from 600 to 800 yards off the
western shore. In all other parts of the island the fringing reef is narrow.
Landing by boat is nearly always dangerous and often impracticable because
of the heavy surf. There is a boat landing area on the beach in a small gap
between the two spits of reef at the western end of the island; however, it is
recommended that native boats be used in going ashore. The island is covered
with a luxuriant growth of coconut palms and other tropical vegetation. There
is a fresh water lagoon in the interior of the eastern section of the island which
is the only area not covered with vegetation. Many sea and migratory birds
are found here.

Climate Washington Island is located near the southern edge of the equatorial
counter current and is in the equatorial trough zone the year around. The
weather records for this island are not complete as a meteorological station
has never been established to collect data; however, it can be assumed that
climatological records would be similar to Palmyra and Fanning Island data

since Washington Island lies between these two islands.

On Washington,

easterly winds predominate with the exception of northeasterlies in the Spring
and southeasterlies in the Autumn. Mean wind velocities vary between 3 and
13 knots. Mean annual temperature is 82°F, highs 95°F. Wet seasons are
from January to June with a monthly precipitation average of 10 to 13-1/2
inches. Dry seasons are July to December with an average of 3 to 4-1/2
inches of precipitation each month. Relative humidity is high.
Facilities The village, located on thewestern end of the island, has no public
tacilities. The island perimeter gravel road allows easy access to most
areas of the island. A small piper cub airstrip is also located here.



April 1969

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