59°52'30"N 162°08'00'W

Palmyra is one of the northern Line Islands approximately 965

nautical miles south-southwest of Honolulu. Many facilities on privately
owned Palmyra were designed, developed, and built by the U. S. Navy,

the U. S. Air Force, and others during, and since, World WarlIl. Because of abandonment, pillage, the effects of the weather and high humidity,
and other natural elements, the island facilities are in varying degrees of
Physical Data Palmyrais a horseshoe shaped atoll about 5 1/2 miles by
1 1/2 miles, with the long axis running east and west. The totalland area
of about 1,470 acres is spread over 55 islets lying ona barrier reef which
is surrounded by an extensive reef platform. The reef platform of coral
and hard sand encloses three distinct lagoons with a total length of about
3 miles.

The widest, measuring about 3/4 of a mile, is the Western lagoon

which narrows to 400 yards in the approaches to the Center lagoon. During
World Warll, the U. S. Navy dredged a seaplane runway that merged the
Center and Western lagoons. The lagoons vary in depth from 10 ft. to over
100 ft., and are flat-floored, but have numerous stalk-like columns of coral

that reach up to the water surface. The coral reef growth is most rapid
off the western end of the atoll which faces into the prevailing direction of
wave approach. The reef surface surrounding Paimyra is flat and lies at
a level about 1/3 of the tide range below mean high water. During high
tide it is possible to wade between the exposed islets; at low tide most of the
reef platform is dry. The maximum elevation for the islets is 6 feet above
sea level. The mean tidal range is about 2 feet. (See map, next page.)
All of the islands on this barrier reef are heavily overgrown with vegeta tion. About 16 species have been recorded. Many sea and migratory birds
and a few turtles are found here. Some of the birds are a nuisance and
hazardous to aircraft.
Climate This is the only island in its latitude where fresh westerlies occur.
The northeast and southeast trade winds meet here causing a tropical front
to hover in the area; however, northeast trades prevail, with an average
velocity of 10 to 12 knots. Short squalls with winds up to 22 knots are
frequent, but typhoons are infrequent. Rainfall occurs daily resulting in
high humidity. Average yearly rainfall is 100 to 180 inches. Temperatures:

mean daily 80.5°9F; mean maximum 84°F; and, mean minimum

77°F. Extreme temperature range is 719 to 93°F; however, on the basis
of mean monthly temperatures, there is only 2° of variation between any
two months. There is no fog, but rain and cumulus clouds cause frequent

Prominent installations are listed with an accompanying remark

on major deficiencies: (a) 6,000 by 300 ft. coral airstrip overgrown with
vegetation; (b) 11,000 by 3,000 ft. seaplane operating basin without markers;
(c) ship passage channel requires dredging; and, (d) wharfs, piers, buildings,
POL storage, water lines, water tanks,
rehabilitation or replacement.




sewage system, etc.,



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