
28°12'N 177 °23'W

General Midway Atoll is near the end of the Hawaiian Island chain which
extends to the northwest about 1200 miles from Honolulu. [tis aU. S.
possession; administrative responsibility is vested in the U. S. Navy. The
U. S. Naval Air Station and its supporting activities are located at Midway.
Physical Data

Midway is a reef atoll with a circumference of about 15 miles;

the lagoon has an approximate diameter of 5 miles.

There are two islands.

Sand Island has a length of about 2 miles, a maximum width of 3/4 mile

and an area of 1.4 square miles. Eastern Island has a length of about 1
mile, a width of 1/2 mile and an area of about 1/2 square mile or 360
acres, Sand Island at the western end of the reef is composed of white
coral sand, and has a maximum height, above sea level, of 43 feet on the
north. Eastern Island, at the southeast end of the reef, has a white sand
beach with the exception of the coral rock on the eastern part; average
elevations are between 6 to 12 feet. The circular reef rises 3 to 4 feet
above sea level except for an area of about 2 miles in the west, where it
is submerged. Almost all the vegetation has been planted. Scaevola and
Verbesina scrub are dominant on both islands. [ronwood (Casuarina) is
also abundant on Eastern Island and has a good start on Sand Island.
Climate Midway has a mild trade wind climate. Southwest winds prevail
in January and February; east and southwest winds in March; northeast
winds inApril through November; andin December,the northwest and northeast winds prevail. Southwest winds precede frontal passages and are
usually accompanied by rainy and squally weather. December through
March wind velocities average 13-15 knots,

and from 9-I1 knots in May

through September. Gusts to 67 knots have been recorded. Mean annual
precipitation is 43 inches. Mear. nnual temperature is 71.5°F witha

range of 65° to 78°F, and extremes of 91° and 46°F.
humidity is 76 percent.

Mean relative

Facilities The U. S. Naval Station, Midway, had facilities for supporting
a population of 3, 200 in 1964. Reduction in base operations has considerably
reduced the population resulting in available housing and messing facilities
for 500-800 personnel. The east-west hardtop runway is 7,900 by 200 ft.

and the north-south runway is 5,775 by 200 ft.

Marine facilities include

handling equipment, and piers for ships. There are fuel tank farms,
storage buildings, maintenance shops, community facilities, a hospital,
recreational facilities and utility services such as electrical power, water,
Sanitary and storm sewers, and heating plants. There are telephones, teletype, and radio facilities including cable connections to Guam and the
Hawaiian Islands. Water and electrical power are critical items.



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