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There are four (4) exterior doorways located on the north side of the building

with sloped concrete approach slabs. The shop area has two 6 x 8-ft. exteri
doorways. The office and tool room each have a 3 x 7-ft. exterior doorway.
An air compressor provides 100 psi compressed air to two wall outlets, one
the office and another in the shop area that has a wall mounted hose reel with
25-ft. of air hose. The compressor rests on a concrete pad and is sheltered
by a roofed,

open side lean-to.

Skylights and truss-mounted fluorescent light fixtures provide interior illumi
nation. The skylights over the office are blacked out toincrease the efficien
of the air conditioning. &xterior lighting is provided by incandescent fixture
mounted over each exterior doorway.
Power supplied to the building is 120/208V, 3-phase, 60 cycle originating fr«
a power panel at the main trailer dock.
The building is furnished with workbenches, a milling machine and a lathe.
The air conditioning and insulation of the office was accomplished as a modif
cation item in 1968.
FY 1969

In progress. Drawings completed to date:

JS 97-671-A2

JS 97-671-E3

JS 97-671-M2

To be accomplished.

CONSTRUCTION Building 671 will be converted to a Payload Preparation
Building to house equipment such as vacuum pumps, liquid nitrogen pumps,
and a heat chamber. Maintenance functions will be moved to the new Mainte
nance and Service Building (see F&S No. 12012) upon its construction.
The existing partition between the tool room and shop area will be removed.

A new wood stud, gypsum board partition will be installed 25-ft from the

west end of the building thus dividing the building into three equal rooms, ea
15 x 25-ft.
The roof ventilators will be capped, and the shutters in the walls will be
permanently secured.

Gypsum board will be installed on the walls and ceiling.
will be insulated and painted.

April 1969



The walls and ceili

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