the target islands were brought to the Applied Fisheries
Laboratory during the summer of 1951.

At this writing this

material has a specific activity of as much as 7.5 x 106 a/m/g
Or approximately 3 wc per gram.

Unfortunately we do not have

data concerning the location from which the sample was taken,
nor do we know whether the sample was scraped only from the
surface or taken from some depth.

Consequently it is impossible

to calculate either the average activity or the total activity
present on a given island.

In any case,

this is obviously suf-

ficient radioactivity to permit valid radioassays of organisms
taken from the area.
Except for the problems of transportation,

Bikini and

Eniwetok Atolls are almost ideal locations for studying the over-

all problems of radioactive contamination.

The combination of

terrestrial and aquatic environment is ideal.

The land forms of

the atolls have a unique advantage in the simplicity of their
ecology as compared with continental areas.
and species of animals and plants,

Since the number

the types of soils,

areas are more narrowly circumscribed,



it is reasonable to suppose

that here is an excellent opportunity to determine the pattern of

effects of radioactive contamination in a natural environment.
and reconstruction of soil in completely devastated



Select target paragraph3