
the uptake and metabolism of other

elements by

plants or animals and that an over-abundance of one

element may, after a time, reduce or increase the
uptake of itself and related elements according to
the organism.


It is desirable to determine the intermediate steps
involved in the retention of

radioactive contami-

nation within a food chain by using single isotopes.

However, the end results for a given type of detonation near or under water can be obtained in a much

time by using

mixed isotopes as laboratory

checks against data collected in the field.

What are the advantages of working at Eniwetok rather than

in continental sites?

Bikini and Eniwetok represent the only under or near
water detonations.

All the continental sites used to

date have been in desert areas


far removed from water.

Very complete biological surveys have been made at
Eniwetok and at other locations in the Marshall Islands


Ss. Atomic Energy Commission report, MDDC-496.

Select target paragraph3