Mr. W. J. Stanley


April 28, 1976

The remaining work at Bikini Island which was described in the protocol

was completed by Tuesday afternoon, April 6.

The LCU then proceeded to

Nam Island, but encountered fuel shortage and anchor cable fouling problems
en route.

The immediate concerns were taken care of, and we continued to

Nam, arriving at about 1600 hr.
Name Island

An advance team went ashore via Boston Whaler on the lee side of

Nam Island on Tuesday evening.

A good landing point for the boat and

gear was found in a sheltered embayment, and beach landmarks were located

which indicated the starting points for the two transects across the
Contiguous clearings near the lagoon beach hinted that much of

the terrainwould be easy to cross. The 1975 aerial photographs by EG & G
were helpful in identifying our routes,
Two north-south transects were established from the lagoon beach on
Wednesday, April 7; however, extremely dense vegetation was encountered
on both transects at about 200 meters north of the beach.

Shortages of

time (resulting from the LCU fuel shortage) and human energy forced us to
terminate the east and west transects, respectively, at 200 and 245 meters
due north. Within these constraints all of the work described in the
survey protocol was accomplished.

The Liktanur proceeded to Bikini Island at 1100 hr on Thursday,

April 8 to pick up fuel which had been negotiated through T.T.; then
departed for Kwajalein at 1600. We arrived Kwajalein on April 10 and

proceeded to Honolulu with the environmental samples on Monday, April 12,

A high priority has been placed on sample analyses related to the

“plutonium problem",

and we expect that these data and the analyses of our

field measurements will be most helpful in shedding light on areas of our
greatest concern for the returning Bikini people.

My sincere thanks to you and Kris Morris, and to Ted Murawski and the

Captain and crew of the Liktanur, and all of the other PASO, Global

Associates and Holmes & Narver personnel who worked so tirelessly in
our behalf.

I am looking forward to your continued support.

Sincerely yours,


N. A. Greenhouse










J. Naidu


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