
My. Theodore Mitchell



August 6, 1979

The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory preliminary draft report

of the radiation dose assessment for resettlement of Enewetak Atoll
dated on or about July 23, 1979. Pursuant to our agreement and
understanding, and recognizing that release of this document, albeit
in draft form, is in the public interest, the Department provided
multiple copies of the report to your staff on August 2, 1979.
5. Records showing the radiological status of each of the
islands at Enewetak Atoll. To the extent that this information is
available, it was provided to you in the appendices accompanying the
report in (4) above. Similar information was sent to your consultants
on August 2.
6. Records and materials showing results of the Fission Products
Survey of Enewetak Atoll conducted in February through April 1979.
Please see the response to (5) above.

In summary, (1) has been withdrawn, (2) and (3) do not exist, and
(4), (5), and (6) have already been provided to you and to others in

the public interest.

Also, because of the public interest, page charges for the costs of
duplicating the report and the voluminous appendices are being waived.
We trust that this reply has been responsive to your request.


Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.D.
Office of Environment

R. Clusen, ASEV
H. Hollister, ADASEV
W. Weyzen, OHER


J. Deal, OESDfrenner


McCraw, OESD
Brown, OGC
Bartner, OGC
Burr, OHER
Pucillo, AD-44

Select target paragraph3