tern o,

terns lead to doses at least three

Living on £ikini Island and

aiet from Bikini <siand,

ine terres-

times higher, and with the unmodified

iriai and external zamma rathways con-

Bikini Living cattern, Pattern 6,

cribute approximateiy 88% and 12% of

doses are at least six times higher

che pone marrow dose and a2proximately

chan with the Eneu living Partern l.

32% and ~3% of the whole codv dose,

It is clear,


Island provides by a significant



In other words,

99% of

that Eneu

degree the lowest dose living pattern

dose in Pattern > results

at Bikini Atoll.

from the terrestrial and external
gamma pathways.



The integral 30-vr

For comparison,

the Federal guide-

doses for bone marrow range from

lines for whole body and bone marrow

5.8 rem in Pattern 1 (Eneu) to 42 rem

dose for a member or the population is

in Pattern 6


3.5 rem/yr.-> 26

The corres-

Over a 30-vr period,

ponding whole body doses are 4.2 rem

the guideline for a population is

in Pattern 1 to 28 rem in Pattern 6.

5 rem.

The Enevu living pattern (Pat-

tern 1)

leads to predicted 30-yr doses

As dietary remedial measures are

taken on Bikini Isiand, thar is Pat-

for whole body and bone marrow of

terns 2,

4.2 rem and 5.8 rem, respectively,

3, 4, and 5, which are varia-

tions of Pattern 6, the relative con-

which are near the Federal guidelines.

tribution or the exposure cathwavs to

Pattern 6 (the Bikini Island living

total dose changes.

pattern) results in predicted 30-yr



pathways that contribute the largest

doses of 28 rem for the whole body and

fraction of the total dose continue to

42 rem for the bone marrow; these

be the terrestrial food chain and

doses are approximately 6 to 8 times

external gamma pathways.

the Federal guidelines.

A summary of

The other

the percentage contribution of each

living patterns (Patterns 2 through 5),

pathway to total dose in each living

which include various remedial measures

pattern is listed in Table 32.

and are variations of the basic Pat-

The summation of the 30-yr and 50-yr

tern 6 living pattern, lead to predic=

integral doses for bone marrow and

ted whole body doses that range from

whole body in the six living patterns

16 to 19 rem and bone marrow doses

is listed in Table 33.

that range from 18 rem to 24 rem.

The Eneu living


pattern, Pattern 1, results in the

of these are in excess of the Federal

lowest dose.


All other living pat-


Select target paragraph3