

Assumed living patterns



No use of Bikini tsland ar Dresent as housing or

food producrion
use of fish throughout the earcoll.

Residence on Bikini Island limited to nouses already constructed.
Use of coconuts
No additional house construction for the present.
grown on Bikini Island.
Other food crops grown on Eneu Island only.
Bikini Island
Unrestricted use of fish from all parts of the atoll.

groundwater for agriculture only.


Limited use of Bikini Island with the following remedial actions by
(a) placing 5 cm of clean coral gravel around existing houses to a
distance of 10 m, and (b) removal of the top 20 cm of soil and

replacement with clean soil to a distance of 10 m from the houses.

All food grown on Bikini Island are acceptable except Pandanus and
Use of
Unrestricted use or fish throughout the aroll.
Bikini Island groundwater for agriculture only.

Limited use of Bikini Island with Phase II houses constructed only
Remedial actions of
along the lagoon road within Area 2 of Fig. 2.
Use of coconuts grown on Bikini Island but not
Pattern 3 taken.
Unrestricted use of fish through the atoll.
Pandanus and breadfruit.


Plase II housing construction according to the Preliminary Bikini
Atoll Master Plan, but no use of Pandanus and breadfruit from Bikini
Unrestricted use of fish throughout the atoll. Groundwater

for agriculture and washing only.


Phase II housing constructed according to the Preliminary Bikini
All foods grown on Bikini Island are acceptable.
Atoll Master Plan.
Groundwater used for
Unrestricted use of fish throughout the atoll.

agriculture and washing oniy.

In addition to living patterns,

another major factor in determining
the potential dose to the returning
population is the diet.

A consider-

reasonable estimate of the diet of the
returning population.

Two diets are listed:
and another for 1980.

Ome for 1975

The difference

able effort was made in the 1972

in the diets reflects our estimates of

Enewetak Survey” to predict the diet

the availability of certain food prod=

of the returning Enewetak population.


Based upon those efforts and discus-

the coconut trees are presently not

sions with the Bikini people, Trust

bearing fruit, and for the most part

Territory personnel, and our observa-

coconut fruit availability will be

tion of the few families presently

limited throughout the next 5 years.

living on Bikini Island, the diets

By 1980, however, sufficient coconut

listed in Table 3 should reflect a

will be available so that there should

For example, on Bikini most of

Select target paragraph3